Projects undertaken by Limnologic staff
(note: this list includes projects completed while employed elsewhere)
Catchment and Waterway Management
Redlands Catchment Action Plan (Redland City Council)
Engaged by Council to provide background review, technical reporting and risk assessment to inform the Redlands Catchment Action Plan, in accordance with the regional Resilient Rivers Initiative.
Lake Management Plans (Moreton Bay Regional Council)
Completed several detailed Lake Management Plans, based on the previously developed Lake Management framework (developed by LimnoLogic and DesignFlow). Lakes included a number of very high profile regional waterbodies, including Centenary Lakes in Caboolture, Lake Eden in North Lakes and Halpine Lake adjacent to the proposed Mango Hill train station. The plans incorporate arrange of issues including and safety, hydraulics, water quality, aquatic habitat and riparian ecology.
Artificial Waterbody Condition Assessments (Redland City Council)
Undertook condition assessments at over 170 Council owned waterbodies using Council’s Rapid Assessment Tool (developed by LimnoLogic). Involved assessment and rating (against established performance indicators) of safety, aquatic habitat condition, riparian habitat condition, hydraulic condition, maintenance access and amenity. Information is stored in a centrally located database and linked to Council’s GIS and asset management system.
Artificial Waterbody Asset Register (Redland City Council)
Worked collaboratively with Council’s asset management team to develop and populated a register of all Council’s artificial waterbody assets, which aligned with Council’s existing asset management system.
Identification, Characterisation and Prioritisation of Urban constructed Lakes on Council Land (Moreton Bay Regional Council)
Carried out a review of Council structure and resources for managing lakes, prepared a gap analysis and identified resource requirements for managing lakes. Prepared a business case (including cost benefit analysis) for proactive management of lakes within the regional, developed a lake management framework and completed worked examples to assist with the preparation of future lake management plans.
Identification, Characterisation and Prioritisation of Artificial Waterbodies on Council Owned Land (Redland City Council)
Identified and characterised artificial waterbodies located on Council owned land and prioritised these waterbodies using a combination of GIS analysis and field assessments. The main outcomes of this study was the development of a framework or the future management and rectification of Council owned lakes, in consideration of current SEQ legislation and policies.
Catchment Prioritisation and Riparian Landforms Mapping (Redland City Council)
Assessment of regional issues and values for Redland City and spatial analysis using a range of criteria to prioritise catchments and identify management actions. Field surveys were undertaken in Eprapah Creek catchment to refine the mapping outputs and develop detailed sub-catchment and reach scale management actions. Project undertaken while employed at Hydrobiology.
Coolnwynpin Creek Reach Management and Rehabilitation Strategies (Redland City Council)
Determination of the key environmental and social issues and values and development of integrated rehabilitation strategies, including; in-stream, riparian, community and stormwater management. Project undertaken while employed at WorleyParsons.
Limnology, Eco-hydrology and Water Quality
Springfield Lakes Risk Assessment and Management Plan (Ispwich City Council)
Carried out a critical review of water quality data, risk assessment and gap analysis to support the development application approvals process regarding handover of the lake to Council.
Sovereign Water Lake Recreational Monitoring and Microbial Source Tracking (Redland City Council)
Routine water quality monitoring and preparation of annual water quality reports for several lakes and Waterloo Bay. Carried out targeted microbial source tracking investigations and reporting to establish the main sources (human / animal) of microbial pollution to the lake.
Downstream water quality impacts associated with farm dams and artificial waterbodies (Redland City Council)
Water quality and sediment monitoring to investigate the nutrient cycling dynamics in farm dams and artificial waterbodies and assess the extent to which they are impacting on downstream ecological health.
Floating Wetlands Trials (Redland City Council)
Assisted Council with design and installation of small floating wetlands on several waterbodies. Carried out monthly water quality monitoring over a period of 18 months. Data were analysed and detailed reports prepared for the various programs to determine the effectiveness of the wetlands at improving water quality.
Regional Waterbody Guideline (WaterByDesign)
Provided specialist advice and reporting relating to the development of a lake characterisation, prioritisation and management framework (Module 4: Maintenance and Operations). The work included drafting sections of the guidelines, knowledge sharing and collaboration with the WaterByDesign team and participation in working group meetings.
Effectiveness of Floating Wetlands at Improving Water Quality (Redland City Council)
Carried out a review of current literature relating to best practice floating treatment wetland (FTW) design, assessed the costs and benefits associated with a number of commercially available and DIY FTWs and provided recommendations for optimising the design of Council’s existing FTWs to facilitate water quality improvement.
Policy Guidance and Implementation
Incorporation of Climate Change Impacts in Natural Disaster Risk Management Plans (Sargent Consulting for Ipswich City Council)
Preparation of a Statement of Impacts to address new guidelines and climate change projections in the context of Ipswich City Council’s existing Natural Disaster Risk Management Plan. Project undertaken by LimnoLogic.
The Role of Environmental Standards in the WFD River Basin Management Planning Process (UK Environment Agency)
Provision of technical support to the Water Framework Directive Policy team to describe the role of
Environmental Standards in the implementation of the Directive and to evaluate the potential impact of the proposed standards on the River Basin Planning process. Project undertaken while employed at Enviros.
Procedures for Setting Environmental Objectives for the WFD (UK Environment Agency)
Provision of policy and strategic guidance to assist in establishing chemical, ecological and water resources objectives to support the implementation of the Water Framework Directive in England and Wales. Project undertaken while employed at Enviros.
Consultation for the Offshore Marine Regulations and Conservation Regulations (UK Defra)
Development of questionnaires, database and internet response portal to collate and assess consultation responses. Prepared reports summarising responses and provided recommendations for review of the Draft Offshore Marine Conservation (Natural Habitats, & C.) Regulations 2006 and Conservation (Natural Habitats, & C.) (Amendment) Regulations 1994. Project undertaken while employed at Enviros.
Implementation of the WFD in Bulgaria (Bulgarian Ministry of Environment and Water)
Provision of technical support and a guidance document on the process for implementation of the WFD in Bulgaria, specifically in relation to establishing typologies and implementing WFD compliant ecological classification systems. Project undertaken while employed at WRc.
Support for Implementation of the Water Framework Directive (European Commission)
Provision of technical support to the European Commission over a period of 3 years, including representation at working group and committee meetings and drafting and editing of EU guidance documents. Key outcomes included technical drafting of CIS Guidance on Monitoring under the WFD and Guidance on 2008 Reporting (monitoring programs). Project undertaken while employed at WRc.
Evaluation of approaches for Monitoring Emergent Hazardous Substances (UK Defra)
Provided an overview of current monitoring of priority hazardous substances under existing international obligations and identified substances to be targeted under future obligations. A detailed UK wide strategy for monitoring reductions in the use and discharge of substances was proposed. Project undertaken while employed at WRc.
Environmental Impact Assessment
Australia Pacific LNG Environmental Impact Statement (WorleyParsons/Origin Energy)
Extensive biological, water quality, geomorphic and aquatic habitat surveys throughout the Surat Basin in Queensland. Preparation of technical reports describing the existing water quality, aquatic ecology and geomorphic environment and identification of potential impacts and mitigation measures associated with proposed gas treatment and processing facilities and pipeline construction. Project undertaken while employed at Hydrobiology and completed at Limnologic.
Aquatic Impacts Associated with Treated Coal Seam Gas Discharge (SunWater)
Assessed the potential impacts to fish, macroinvertebrates, phytoplankton, macrophytes and geomorphology resulting from the proposed discharge of treated permeate water into chinchilla Weir. Involved a detailed review of existing data and information and additional field surveys. Final report include a detailed risk assessment and recommended mitigation measures to ensure minimal impacts.
Baseline Biology for the Frieda River Project, Papua New Guinea
Water quality, fish and macroinvertebrate surveys of the Sepik River catchment in PNG to assess existing ecological condition and to assess pre-existing impacts associated with previously introduced species. Project undertaken while employed at Hydrobiology.
Brisbane River Desalination Plants Pre-feasibility Study
Management and coordination of the preliminary environmental baseline studies (water quality, sediment, terrestrial and marine ecology, hydrodynamic modelling and visual assessment). Project undertaken while employed at WorleyParsons.
Gladstone LNG Environmental Impact Statement
Assistance with coordination of environmental inputs into the EIS and assessment of baseline water quality and impacts associated with the LNG Plant. Project undertaken while employed at WorleyParsons.
Environmental Impact Assessment - Salisbury Plain Military Training Area (UK MoD)
Hydrological, hydrogeological and water quality impact assessment and preparation of Environmental Statement relating to development of training area facilities and linear infrastructure within the Salisbury Plain Military Training Area. Project undertaken while employed at Enviros.